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Neothink, The Mind of the Future

‘The human mind has a limited storage and processing capacity. But Neothink, a discovery made through Neo-Tech, infinitely expands the capacity of consciousness to understand anything in existence. The Neo-Tech discovery of exchanging the conscious mind for the Neothink mind is equivalent to the discovery 3000 years ago of exchanging the bicameral mind for the conscious mind. And, as 3000 years ago, this exchange will occur swiftly, automatically regardless of what anyone does, says, or thinks. The pressure to convert to Neothink is competition. Those who do not convert cannot survive.

The Neothink Mind

The Neothink mind thinks simultaneously with both the left brain (full integrations) and the right brain (without boundaries). The Neothink mind thinks in a picture language, which means thinking in integrated, no-boundary images -- the ultimate, most sensuous, most powerful form of metaphorical thinking. That mind, in turn, breaks those images into small, powerful segments. Such a breakdown from whole pictures into separate parts provides sources of new knowledge for advancing conscious life toward limitless prosperity and romantic happiness....Everyone had a Neothink mind as a young child. And, today, any adult can recapture that young, wide-open mind through fully integrated honesty.
Free of preconceived notions, young children think by an uncorrupted picture process. But, they lose that invaluable picture-language thinking as they are driven by their parents and teachers into the profoundly dishonest, narrow-scope anti-civilization. ...By building small distortions into larger distortions, most adults unknowingly think dishonestly about the widest, most important aspects of life. They distort their thoughts by adjusting them to the rationalizations and agendas needed to feel acceptable in this anti-civilization. Such a bottom-to-top process becomes a reality-distorting language that cripples the conscious mind.
By contrast, the rare top-to-bottom process retains the honest visual-language mind of childhood. That visual language lets one integrate wide-scope pictures and emotions that cannot be expressed in spoken language or even thought about by people with spoken-language minds. Thus, when encountering ultra-powerful, radical-breakthrough values, most people either ridicule those values or their eyes glaze over as their minds sleep. Such spoken-language minds are blind to the new knowledge, emotions, and values that evolve from visual-language minds.



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